Saturday, April 9, 2011

Indian government in full of corruption

India is a rich country with money ,heritage and culture .India is great in the whole world .There are many types of  foods, dresses , language and dialects etc  are found in that country .It has unique identity in  the world because of  culture. Census says that we have been one hundred twenty one crore according the census report..
India has second rank in population after China.India is said the golden bird in the whole world no matter what is the field ,education,business,movies whatever.
                                            Now i want to tell about the country that there are many government department in all over India but they are full of corruption.There are many cases in our country which is related by corruption.Everyone is corrupt in every department of Indian government .We can find corruption in everywhere. We know it very well that when people visit to government department they have to bribe to the government employees for getting their work done .If they do not give money them they cannot get anything because it is fixed in every department .If you do not bribe to employees then you cannot get anything because you are not giving money to employee.Corruption is everywhere and other thing is that we should have money in our pockets otherwise you will starve.
                                  I have seen corruption cases many times in the society.People keep wondering here and there for getting their work done .Many of old people i mean to say senior citizens .They have to face so many problems because of corruption. They are called many times for giving a lot of troubles. At least they have to give money for their work.We cannot imagine our life without money if we do not  have money we cannot get anything done.
     Most of people are not able to get job in right time because they are victim of corruption.If they pay money to related department then they are given the particular designation in the particular department.People keep going here to there for work but this is not possible for everyone .After paying they can get something .Bribe is divided into many parts among all the employee of the department.Many government officers are also corrupt in our country.When government officer is  in mud of corruption then how can the people make themselves safe by corruption.we are not safe by this .This is the cancer of our society.We are not beeing able to do anything special in career and for our country .Many inventors are not able to invent anything because of corruption.So where is future. We are already counted in undeveloped country.We are legging behind then other nations then also our government is not paying attention on our county condition .They know only money.They are getting lots of money by bribing and they are getting the money deposited in their bank, swiss bank account. It is called black money.There are many illegal  bank account in swiss banks .Because of this our country is legging  behind . 
                                             This is enough to tell you that do not accept the bribe. Neither take the bribe nor give to other .Please make this country neat and clean and remove that disease .There are many authority in our county but they are also corrupt.It is your duty to stop it .There are many department in our country which helps people to stop it .We need to start it then  i believe we can remove corruption from it`s root and make our future bright for next generation and upcoming days also.We should be corruption free then we can get prosperity and good luck.
    We must thank to mr. Anna hazare for raising slogans against the central  government in Delhi on Zantar mantar circle.Anna hazare fought for corruption in India .He said his statement that this fight is not personal this fight is for everyone .I will not get profit ,you will also get .I am very happy that they are getting support by many celebrities , social  workers and by people.Yesterday he ended his fast against corruption.He wants Indian government to pass that Lokpal bill in the assembly  and the government has agreed by his most of  demands which they wanted . He is surprised by the all support  Anna hazare says.It is the victory of all Indians .
Do not support the corrupt government and try to ignore it if yo can .Do not vote corrupt parties and never follow their path.Select a political leader who deserves for the election.
                              There are many authorities in our country which help to stop the corruption.You can get the complain registered in the particular department like Anti Corruption Bureau ,India .There are address and phone number-

 Anti Corruption Bureau,
 1st Floor,
 Madhu Industrial Estate,
 Pandurang Budhkar Marg,
 Worli, Mumbai 400 013

 Tel: +91- 22 - 2492 1212 
They will help you .This department is organised for stopping the corruption from the root .
Please make this campaign success as much as possible because taking a bribe is a offence.It is like a plunder of our country ."So say no to corruption ." 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Superstitious Indian

 India is a great but there are many problems with the Indians .The problems is that they are too superstitious in the whole world. where as all the world is superstitious but Indians have specialty in superstitions.  They do all the work which are too superstitious and these are unbelievable,unbearable.We get to see that types things in the countryside areas of India.This types of work are done by illiterate people.They keep taking part in that types programmes but they do not know why they are taking part in that types  programme. They know it very well that this superstitious thing are not good  than also they do that.
                                                                           There are many villages in the whole India.They are influenced by this bad things .There are many cases in our country that we are ashamed. we are looked down everywhere, like in one village of India a woman was burnt alive because of superstition .They did that thing because they are illiterate.You can understand it that how her family members must have felt that time when the member of their family must have been burnt alive  in front of all the villagers because of superstitions. I think they should have raised their protest against that shameful work which was very necessary for that woman .Even if they wanted ,they could have saved her life.Like that there are many cases but this is enough for telling everyone about that types superstitions which is danger for humanity .
                                                 we should thank to all the media channel for covering that types superstitious cases in our country that we came to know about these cases by media.
                                                                 There are many shopkeepers in India they use green chilly and lemon at their shops while starting their business and factory.They make a series of green chilly then they use a  lemon and coal because they think that it will bring prosperity in their business .I do not know about that is it good or not ? but it is done by every shopkeeper and factory manager etc.Does it work or not ? we cannot answer to anyone for this reason .

            Many women are accused  that they are witch but they are not then also they have to face so many problems because of illiterate people and lack of knowledge.Why they have been doing it for more long years .I want to ask that question to everyone that should they do it or not? Because of this we are legging behind by many developed countries . When some one passes away in the village by illness ,people accuse on particular  woman that she is witch. I do not know why they do it .where as these are worthless and bad.
I appeal to everyone ,please avoid that types witchcraft  if you can and make our country educated .I know 
this is not easy but we can try to avoid it .We have to face so many problems because of superstitions case.
We should be ashamed that we have been living in that types environment .people do not have pity on accused people .They are spiritless.People do not have any feelings so this is bad and not good for next generations  .Try to save ourself by Superstitions and make a better tomorrow .